March 17, 2016

Finished! Mary Ann Blackburn

I am so pleased to have finished Mary Ann Blackburn by Blackbird Designs..  Believe it or not, the piece is already at the framer's shop. I finished it on Tuesday evening and had it at the framer's LNS by the next day.

I used our wedding date at the bottom instead of using my grandma's name or Mary Ann's name. It was just something I decided to do.

Here it is:

I am now back at Paula Vaughan's Wedding Ring Bouquet. I started this in 2002 or so, so I think it's high time I finish it.  It's done on 22 count hardanger with one thread over one. 

I don't have that much left, really. Just a bit of backstitching and the white curtain (ugh, so much white to do) on the left side of the piece.  

Lately I have been using my hoop a bit. I bought the hoop back in 1974, and it's still as good as new.  It's plastic though, and is  not one of the much talked about Queen wooden hoops. When I started crosstitching I was told to NEVER use a hoop. I don't know why I was told that, and I don't know why I listened for so long.  For years I stitched in hand, and then I went to Q-snaps, and finally I added a lap stand.   

Do you use a hoop, Q-snaps, scroll rod, some other stitch accessory, or do you stitch in hand?  I would love to hear how you prefer to do your stitching. 

I ended up finishing off my Mary Ann Blackburn piece with stitching in hand, with the occasional use of a hoop. I  just got tired of the lap stand--all that cumbersome stuff gets to me. 

Thanks for stopping by today! 


  1. I prefer to use scroll rods or in hand. I do have Q-snaps and hoops, but really don't like either of those.

    Your stitching is lovely! Congrats on the finish!

  2. What a lovely finish and such a nice idea to use the date of your wedding anniversary.
    I have a very ancient Paula Vaughan UFO that I wish I could find motivation to finish.
    Lovely to see yours so near to completion.

  3. Congratulations on the Happy Dance for Mary Ann Blackburn. What a lovely idea to put your wedding anniversary date on her.
    I always stitch in hand, no matter how large the project. I don't like the way hoops and frames distort the fabric, mark it and crush the stitches. But maybe it's just my technique!

  4. Congratulations on your finish....that is just beautiful.

    I love Paula Vaughan's Patterns. I have done a few of them myself.

    I use Q Snaps to stitch with. I dearly love my Q Snaps.

    Have a Beautiful Easter Weekend
    Linda K


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