October 11, 2024

An Update of Sorts

Oh my, so long since I have been here. I will share some of my finished pieces and WIPs at this time. Thanks for visiting me here despite my lack of posts. 

I started this blog in 2006 and moved to this address in 2011 after the old one was hacked. In the meantime, I have started sharing my stitching on Instagram and Facebook, thus the lack of visits to this blog. 

I do enjoy reading blogs, however, and I vow to return to that wonderful pasttime.

Here is one of my current WIPs.This is Yvonne LeClerq 1905 from Reflets de Soie.I am so enjoying this piece. It is being stitched on 32 count linen using DMC threads. 

Originally I had vowed to refrain from working on a labor intensive sampler  but I just could not resist this one.

This is my progress on Winter Quakers from Rosewood Manor. It is being stitched on 32 count fabric with the recommended fabric color called dwarf. I am using the called for Valdani threads. What a joy it is to work on this piece, and I do so as often as possible. 

This is Summer Breeze by Prairie Schooler that I worked on mostly at various stitching retreats and gatherings. I used DMC threads. I decided to finish it by using a simple poster hanger. I love seeing this in our home each day!  

It reminds me of my late mother as she loved summer. She also enjoyed reciting little poems about summer. 

This is Cottage from an older Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazine. My husband and I framed it and gave it to one of my dearest cousins. She enjoys looking at it in her kitchen each day. 

Several years ago, I worked on many different weather projects. This is one I finished that represents 2020's weather in our city, starting with January 1st in the middle of the design. 

Here it is again, shown with another one I did that represents the same weather zone but starts with a summertime birthday. These projects were fun, and I ended up doing four of them in one year. The poster finish came in so handy, although I did have the other two framed as they were gifts. 

This was the first weather project I did, and it shows the weather here in 2019. It was designed by Stitchin' Mommy, purchased off of Etsy. 

Finally, this is a weather project I did that shows midwest weather for 2019.  On the bottom is Fractal Bookmark 705 from Cross Stitch Collectibles. I did shorten the length of the bookmark as I decided that would work for me. The bottom piece is stitched one over one on 28 count fabric. 

So there you have some of my recent WIPs and fully finished items. There are many more that will be shared down the road. 

Life has been busy & full of both happy moments and sad ones in the past few years. That is the nature of it, of course. 

Thanks for stopping by today. 

January 27, 2023

A Framed Finish!

 I thought I would be returning more faithfully to this blog, but alas I have failed.  

I wanted to share a piece I had framed at the end of 2022.  It is Seedy Pumpkin Cottage from Praiseworthy Stitches.  I  won the pattern, beads, charms, and fabric from Brian, who is also known as Blitstitch.  I picked it up at the end of November but still have it hanging in our home. 

Thanks for stopping by today! 

November 7, 2022

Back to Blogging!

 I am back after a long respite. I cannot believe how time passes. 

Stitching and life go on, it has been a busy year full of activities with family and friends. There have been good things as well as sad, tough things in our lives here. 

About a year ago I completed this weather piece for a very dear friend. I started on her birthday and showed the weather for the whole year. I highlighted hers and her loved ones’ birthdays with sparkly thread colors. It was a blast to have it framed and presented to her. 

The pattern is from a Facebook group, designed by a group member. 

Thanks for stopping by today! 

October 4, 2021

More Framing Accomplished!

 I wanted to share several more pieces that I recently picked up from our wonderful framer.  It feels so good to finally have these items in a finished form.

First, I had Lizzie Kate's Christmas Mystery Sampler 2 framed. I love this one!  

Here is Oberlin Samplers Minnesota Sampler~ 

I also picked up the Variegated Sampler from the out of print Cross Stitch and Country Crafts Magazine.  

Thanks for stopping by today.  

August 10, 2021

Framing is done!

 Recently I also picked up more pieces from the framer.  Displayed  below is my version of Houses of Hawk Run Hollow.  It is fun seeing it displayed in our home! 

More framed pieces are  coming soon.    

Thanks for stopping by today. 

July 1, 2021

Sarah Braizear 1829 Framed

 I recently picked up Sarah B from our framer. We are so happy with how this piece looks! 

We hung her in our family room where we can enjoy her daily. 

Thanks for stopping by today! 

April 13, 2021

A Finish- Sarah Braizear 1829

 A few weeks ago I finished Sarah Braizear 1829 from HATS. Yesterday I finally inspected the piece and I did find a few things I needed to repair. 

It feels great to have Sarah completed. I will have her framed professionally after I have immunity from my vaccines. Truly, the satin stitches were daunting. 

Here is Sarah Braizear 1829. Thanks to Nicola Parkman for reproducing this gorgeous sampler. 

Thanks for stopping by today! 

February 3, 2021

Stitching Continues!

 I have been so long in visiting this blog.  I am still busily stitching at home, tending to family, connecting virtually with family members & friends, and staying at home. 

Life has been filled with working on a variety of projects over the past several months.  

What a year it has been.  I have always been a homebody, but this is of course at a new level for everyone, and me. 

Here are a few of  of my current WIPs: 

Some finishes from last year -

More WIPs- 

A few more 2020 finishes- 

A few more WIPs - 

Thank you for stopping by today! 


August 16, 2020

Fractal Bookmark Comes Out of Hiding!

I am diligently working on Sarah Braizear's satin stitching, but I do need to switch it up a bit as I can only do this satin stitching for just so long in one day. It is intense with my eyes having to really focus to get it (somewhat) right.

That being said, I pulled out Fractal Bookmark 705 by Cross Stitch Collectibles  yesterday. I haven't worked on it since the end of March, in fact.  It is fun working on this beauty again, and the colors really fascinate me as the design develops.

Thanks for stopping by today!